Strong password generator.
Strong password generator.

strong password generator.

You could also create your own random password generator if you’re skeptical of Internet security standards and have the time to do so. You pull it up, disconnect from the Internet, do your thing, and clear your cache before reconnecting.


There are also offline password generators out there, like this one. While we don’t normally advise believing any random technical mumbo jumbo descriptors you see, let us just say that secure password managers use the latter, while an SSL-less website with a name like “SUPER SECURE PASSWORD GENERATOR” likely does not. And you probably didn’t check if the website in question is using a regular pseudo-random number generator or a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator. You don’t know if they’re keeping your data and storing passwords in a very hackable HQ server. For basic cybersecurity reasons, you don’t know the website and who might be monitoring it on the sly. If you’re using a random site that popped up in your first Google results, we advise that you run. If the seed was a 32-bit integer, that means the algorithm would run through 4,294,967,295 other numbers before a repeat.”– PCMag Which Password Generators Are Secure? The original seed never turns up again until every other number has come up. The algorithm processes the seed and gets a new number with no traceable connection to the old, and the new number becomes the next seed. This algorithm starts with a number called a seed. “Password managers and other computer programs use what's called a pseudo-random algorithm. All results seem randomized, but they actually aren’t. Computers can’t actually be random-they need a seed number to kickstart the algorithm. Why are password generators only pseudo-random? Because they use algorithms. Secure password generators, like those connected to password managers, use cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generators or have offline functionality so that you can generate passwords to your heart's content without the risk of anyone sneaking a look through your Internet connection. So when it comes to the question of using any old online password generator, our immediate gut reaction is a resounding “NO!”

strong password generator.

However, not all password generators are secure.

strong password generator.

None of us should reuse passwords, and what we tend to come up with off the top of our heads isn’t as hack-proof as we’d like to think. Password generators are a fantastic tool.

Strong password generator.